Sponsorships Available

Andrea Cahill Memorial Golf Outing Moving Fore-ward with a cure for NF2

$5000 Event Sponsor (SOLD) Tiles By Perfection/ Martin Kitchen & Bath

Large banner displayed at lunch reception. Sponsorship recognition on table top signage. Company name on website. Company name and logo on social media shout out. Includes foursome team. Recognition at awards ceremony.

$2000 Lunch Sponsor (1 SOLD, 2 available) New England Trips

Signage with lunch sponsor logo displayed at lunch. Sponsorship recognition on table top signage. Company name on website. Company name and logo on social media shout out. Includes foursome team. Recognition at awards ceremony.

Breakfast Sponsor (SOLD) Montilio’s

Signage at breakfast buffet. Company name and logo on social media shout out. Recognition at awards ceremony.

$1000 Closest to the Pin contest sponsor/Men & women (SOLD) Falco and Associates

Exclusive signage at the hole and reception. Recognition at awards ceremony.

$1000 Golf Cart Sponsor (1 available)

Exclusive signage with company logo on each golf cart. Company name and logo on social media shout out. Name on website. Recognition at awards ceremony.

$500 Tournament Logo-Golf towel giveaway (SOLD) NCT Mike Bellotti

Company/Person's name on website. Company/person name on social media shout out. Recognition at awards ceremony.

$300 Hole Sponsor (Sold Out)

Extra Large sign at either hole 1, 9, or 18. Company/Person's name on website. Company/person name on social media shout out.

$100 Hole Sponsor (Sold Out)

Signage at one hole. Company/Person's name on website. Company/person name on social media shout out.

Auction /Raffle Items

Company/Persons name on signage next to item at tables throughout the event.  Company/Persons name on website.  Company/person name on social media shout out